R127 RcmdrPlugin.EZR Description: EZR (Easy R) adds a variety of statistical functions, including survival analyses, ROC analyses, metaanalyses, sample size calculation, and so on, to the R commander. EZR enables point-and-click easy access to statistical functions, especially for medical statistics. EZR is platform-independent and runs on Windows, Mac OS X, and UNIX. Its complete manual is available only in Japanes.. 2017. 4. 1. RcmdrPlugin.IPSUR Description: This package is an R Commander plugin that accompanies IPSUR, an Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R. 가급적 IPSUR 패키지의 설치를 추천합니다.400쪽이 넘는 R을 이용한 기초통계 책을 이용할 수 있습니다. http://ipsur.orghttp://gkerns.people.ysu.edu/index.html #저자 # 일부 기능이 불안정하다. 2017. 4. 1. RcmdrPlugin.MPAstats Description: Extends R Commander with a unified menu of new and pre-existing statistical functions related to public management and policy analysis statistics. Functions and menus have been renamed according to the usage in PMGT 630 in the Master of Public Administration program at Brigham Young University. > data(Prestige) > LinearModel.1 model model Call: lm(formula = prestige ~ income + educa.. 2017. 4. 1. RcmdrPlugin.TeachingDemos Install the Demos Rcmdr Plug-In Description Provides an Rcmdr "plug-in" based on the TeachingDemos package, and is primarily for illustrative purposes. 2017. 4. 1. 이전 1 ··· 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ··· 32 다음